
Creative women since the creation of the first Pionnières incubator in 2005:

• More than 1,800 calls for projects received
• More than 350 creators have followed the pre-incubation course
• Nearly 140 companies have been incubated
• A total of 230 companies created

Download the directory of the creators of Fédération Pionnières in pdf

The results of the study Fédération Pionnières 2010:

In a quality approach, Fédération Pionnières wanted to make a review of the action of the entire network on all the people who had used the services of a Pionnières incubator (from the application to the selection, pre-incubation: 3 at 6 months from the idea of ​​the project to the creation of the company, incubation: 1 year maximum of follow-up of the first steps of the company).
This study is part of the Observatory of Female Entrepreneurship and was conducted from January 11 to February 11, 2010.

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